... pposition/
Hillary Clinton, The MTE, has come clean over how the public should view President Trump: as a former dictator who admires dictators and will become a dictator again unless he's stopped....
(click for larger in new window—no AI used)
...and we know what being "stopped" means thanks to the people who recently told us exactly what it means: ... g-whistle/ ... nst-trump/
And Congressional Democrats are busy trying to facilitate Trump's assassination by removing his Secret Service protection: ... rotection/
A former President without Secret Service protection is vulnerable to more than assassination, he's vulnerable to kidnapping, exploitation, blackmail and more: disclosure of information he holds would gravely damage national security. But Democrats don't care because their proposed legislation is custom made just to affect Trump—and they can easily revoke their legislation after their desired effects are achieved.
The proposed legislation may be new but the sentiment has been around for years, as illustrated by the disgusting "modernized" performance of "Julius Caesar" performed at the Delacorte Theater in New York's Central Park in 2017.
If you ever wonder what Democrat Leftists and their fellow travelers are up to, it's exactly whatever they accuse Trump and Conservatives of being or doing.
Hillary Clinton, The MTE, has come clean over how the public should view President Trump: as a former dictator who admires dictators and will become a dictator again unless he's stopped....
(click for larger in new window—no AI used)
...and we know what being "stopped" means thanks to the people who recently told us exactly what it means: ... g-whistle/ ... nst-trump/
And Congressional Democrats are busy trying to facilitate Trump's assassination by removing his Secret Service protection: ... rotection/
A former President without Secret Service protection is vulnerable to more than assassination, he's vulnerable to kidnapping, exploitation, blackmail and more: disclosure of information he holds would gravely damage national security. But Democrats don't care because their proposed legislation is custom made just to affect Trump—and they can easily revoke their legislation after their desired effects are achieved.
The proposed legislation may be new but the sentiment has been around for years, as illustrated by the disgusting "modernized" performance of "Julius Caesar" performed at the Delacorte Theater in New York's Central Park in 2017.
If you ever wonder what Democrat Leftists and their fellow travelers are up to, it's exactly whatever they accuse Trump and Conservatives of being or doing.
Statistics: Posted by Colonel Obyezyana — 4/20/2024, 8:32 am — Replies 0 — Views 39